I made a presentation on FOOL'S GOLD_v0.0, the metadata loss and game corruption, where the game was built to, where it would've been built to, future version plans, the Unity course I used to learn, and an overview of the practice games made in that course. Feel free to check that out here . ---------------------------------------------- After having some more time to process, and discussing the event with friends, I decided to give myself some grace. 😊 If it hadn't been for something out-of-my-control (like knowing in advance the hard lesson learned about Unity's metadata lol), I would've 100% finished the Game Jam on time, with a fully submitted game. And trying to rush to pump out a "Demo/Test" 💩 version of FOOL'S GOLD, just didn't feel good. With these two truths in mind, I decided to accept that it was a wiser decision to let this submission date pass, and focus on bringing FOOL'S GOLD back to life! After coding at "Game Jam...