WHOO-HOO!!! ToMine Logic Created, Implemented, Functional, and Tested!!! Check out the clips:

After about a day and a half, I FINALLY did it!! The ToMine logic for FOOL'S GOLD is COMPLETE!! 🥳

There were a few moments late last night (and very early this morning lol) that I thought about giving up on these game mechanics. At times I felt like I wasn't even making progress, and I started to seriously doubt if I'd be able to figure it out without wasting so much time I can't finish the rest of the needed game mechanics. 

I know I can always submit a "demo version" if I'm unable to submit the MVP version. However, I really want to submit the polished MVP version, and I'm determined to do my very best to make it happen. I just got butterflies thinking how there are only 2 days left of the jam! 😳 So much to do, so little time lol.

For now though, VICTORY CELEBRATION!!! I have about 3 important game mechanics to implement (all much more standard than what I just finished tackling thank goodness), so I'll definitely be working late again tonight. 

Basically, as the main (and for the MVP only lol) "game challenge aspect" for the player to "overcome" is the game timer. You have a finite amount of time to get as much gold as possible. Besides just the timer ticking, how else can we challenge the player in a way that will lead to more replayability and fun overall, and not just feel very repetitive and too difficult?

With these thoughts in mind, and without wanting to give away what I still have left to build (hopefully in time!) lol, I came up with the ToMine logic. 😏

Basically, the player must use their cursor to mine. But it wouldn't be any fun to just point and click at the gold, and what would Kenny be doing to help haha? In order to "mine" a "rock" to look for gold, the player must be "touching" the "rock" with Kenny and click on that "rock". 

In addition, what if the player had to "equip" their "pickaxe" each time they want to mine, from a "backpack", after each mined gold? This means Kenny would have to "find"/"touch" a "rock" to "mine" it for gold, the player would have to click that same gold while Kenny is "touching" it, and have their "pickaxe" equipped from their backpack, in order to be able to mine. 

Of course, the "pickaxe" will automatically be "unequipped" dynamically after "rock" is "mined". Wouldn't be fun or fair if you just had to equip it once haha. 

While I'm off trying to get FOOL'S GOLD as AWESOME as possible before submission, check out the clips that show the ToMine logic below! 😀

Clicking on Gold with Pickaxe, Kenny Not Near Gold, Can't Mine, Sorry Kenny

Clicking on Gold with Pickaxe, Kenny Near Other Gold, Can't Mine, Sorry Kenny

Clicking on Gold with Pickaxe, Kenny Near SAME Gold, CAN Mine! Yay for Kenny

Clicking on Gold with Torch, Kenny Near SAME Gold, Can't Mine, Sorry Kenny


  1. Exciting!!! with the difficult part surmounted you're on your way to finishing this.
    I can totally relate the way it feels when it's difficult - I know these mental places from my own experiences (e.g. writing a story) - the plateau of excitement, the long ascent, spikes of horror... canyon of doubt :D
    The shore of reward is very near.

    1. Thank you! Sadly, as you'll see in the latest post, the shore of reward turned into a mirage. 🙁


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