Only a few hours!

My first post for my first DevLog Blog for my first GameJam!

I'm definitely feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement as I'm about to go to bed for the night. In less than 5 hours, the game jam will officially begin. At the same time, the Theme for the game jam will be revealed as well. 

I would've liked to have more time and experience using Unity, but I'm determined to do my best to successfully complete this fun challenge! 🥳 I've been learning as much as I can as quickly as possible on Udemy and YouTube, but of course it always feels like there's simply not enough time. 

I hope to use the advice I've gathered to keep my scope microscopic, focus on my personal goal (successfully completing the game jam), and remember to have fun! 

I look forward to participating in many future game jams, but I'm very proud of myself for taking the leap to sign up for my first. 😁 This is also my first time making a blog, and I'm thrilled I'm taking the time to for this experience. Stepping outside our comfort zone leads to the greatest growth after all. 

While learning about game jams and researching how to get started, reading several such devlog blogs truly helped me. I hope documenting my experience might also help others in a similar way. 😊

I hope to make a devlog blog like this for each game jam I participate in, as I look forward to watching my own game dev skills level up over time. 


  1. Hi Taylor,
    Fellow rookie game-dev (still a wannabe-game-dev at this point).
    Thanks for starting this!

    Appreciate the advice to keep a small scope, focus on what's important, having fun and challenging yourself - solid advice right there, thanks for sharing it!

    Good on you for just getting in the water and not waiting "to be ready enough".

    With that attitude I bet you'll do great.


    1. Thank you for your comment Leor 🙌 I wrote this blog primarily to (hopefully) help fellow rookie game devs, so I'm thrilled to hear you're getting something out of it!

      I couldn't be happier that I took the advice to "jump in" and not "wait until I'm ready". If you have the sincere desire to learn and grow in game dev, you're ready. 😎

      If you're thinking about doing your first game jam, I say go for it!


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