Hoping to Have a "Playable" Version of FOOL'S GOLD by EOD Today

Looking forward to having a rough, but somewhat playable, version of FOOL'S GOLD by the end of the day 😄

As I was building out the (first) level of FG yesterday, I realized that, particularly given the time constraint of the jam, it was more efficient for me to build out a (rough) "full size" version of the (cave) level, instead of a small demo to be remade. 

My (hopeful!) goal by end of day (EOD) today is to have a "playable" demo/test version of FG with:

  • a movable and animated (makes sense to do these at the same time similar to building out the "full" level) player character with physics applied and correct layering
  • player interacts with the placed environment correctly
  • a follow camera on the player created and implemented
  • have added some "intractables" sprites (ex. rocks) with physics applied and correct layering
  • some type of "placeholder game mechanic" logic for the player action (ex. mining) on interactables (ex. rocks) to be filled in later
    • for example: having a Debug.Log("player action") when the player "clicks"/actions on an interactable
  • UI assets from Unity asset store (should only need audio assets after this, which I plan to add to the "polish for game jam" version, after finishing the "playtest" version) 
Meet Our Player Character: Kenny Goldenski !!!
