Getting there little by slowly...

Good thing I always leave extra time for inevitable roadblocks, cause it's been a slow trudge the last day or so 😬

It would take too much time and space to talk about every obstacle I've hit on FOOL'S GOLD in the past 24-36 hours lol, but suffice to say I'm definitely behind my "ideal timeline". But, that is why it's "ideal" after all. 😉 

I was hoping to have a "playable test demo" version for my friends to check out today, but, unless I give them the "backup plan version" (if I can't figure some of these features out in time LOL), I was unable to hit this goal. 

However, I'm still making (slow) progress, and this (should) be the last, biggest chunk/obstacle to overcome. I feel like I'm very close to implementation! I hope I figure it out in time, and maybe even can show my friends tomorrow. 😁

For now, check out a lil cursor toggle mechanic I wrote and attached to Kenny's backpack (see clip below). This way, if a player "equips" their pickaxe from the backpack and then clicks on the backpack button again, it'll "put away" the pickaxe. 

Honestly, I don't think it would benefit the player to do this in any way (besides it being fun to toggle them haha), but it's neat that I was able to think of an "edge case" (I believe that's what it's called), plus come up with a solution, even before playtesting! 

It was a nice lil feature to implement between the bigger features I've been trying to iron out. Always good to take a mental break from solving a big, complicated problem. A lot of times the solution seems to come to me right after!
